Diana S. Rosenstein, PhD

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

I am a psychologist and psychoanalyst in private practice, treating children, adolescents and adults in psychotherapy, and adults in psychoanalysis. I work from a psychoanalytic approach that emphasizes the sensitive, respectful exploration of life difficulties, with supportive encouragement. I also specialize in psychological testing assessments of individuals of all ages and have a sub-specialty in forensic evaluations. It would be my pleasure to work with you. Please give me a call. 

Forensic Services

I provide a variety of consultations and evaluations for the legal system including:

  • Competency evaluations
  • Pre-trial or pre-sentencing mental health evaluations
  • Consultation to attorneys regarding mental health or therapeutic issues affecting their clients
  • Custody evaluations: 

Custody evaluations occur when parents have exhausted other means for resolving their dispute over child custody, such as negotiation through attorneys, mediation or therapeutic intervention.  A custody evaluation is an independent evaluation from a neutral evaluator who provides a comprehensive examination of all of the factors which affect the dynamics of the children, parents and family.  As a custody evaluator, I make recommendations, in the form of a written report, for the best interest of the child in the form of:

  • a parenting plan
  • focusing on a physical custody schedule
  • possible therapy for various family members
  • other interventions which may help to create the best possible situation for the children